
Blog posts but with less effort lol

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I started a secret vlog

yapping vlog · note · · 133 words

Well, secret is a real stretch of the word. It’s private, but I’m not doing anything to hide it.

Musing on a bundler for old Roblox projects

tech roblox oldroblox devops · note · · 1400 words

I’ve been thinking about if it’d be worth it to make a tool that can make it easier to distribute versions of my games for both the Novetus and Only Retro Roblox Here launchers. Specifically, this tool would manage the game’s assets - the images, music, and other media.

Why I'm using the (unofficial) Youtube Music desktop app

tech music yapping · note · · 271 words

Maybe it’s weird I use YouTube Music in the first place? lol

Surface Pro 4 random info

tech · note · · 136 words

Here’s some random tips about the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 I have that I want to note down. Like random hotkeys and stuff.

Saving drafts

personal thought writing · note · · 257 words

Sometimes I have a fragment of a thought about something. Like my mind has a point to make, or I just have the idea for something slightly poetical or writing-y.

2 Opera 8 quirks with the simple layout

tech web retro · note · · 141 words

I was testing this with Opera 8. I wasn’t sure which version the DSi browser was built on (my target when making this layout), so I just went for the lowest one, and a bit lower to be safe: Opera 8.

Thinking about the simple layout

personal thought tech web · note · · 468 words

I think it’s kinda funny that I am motivated to make this alternate version, but not to actually write posts.

Website snowstorm effect

tech web · note · · 360 words

For the holidays, I added a simple snowing effect.

I'm joining Bookwyrm 📖

thought personal reading fediverse · note · · 239 words

I said I’ve been getting back into reading books. Now I’m on Bookwyrm, so you can keep up with what I’m reading, because I keep being lazy about writing posts for them. 🙏

Spooking Out 1 year anniversary!

spooking-out roblox tech personal · note · · 231 words

November is upon us! Did you have a good Halloween? And are you aware that Spooking Out, the 2010 Roblox game by me and a friend, is now a year old (give or take a few days)?

Writing without smarts

writing thought · note · · 498 words

I’m not (currently) a full-on writer in my eyes, but I still write a lot of blog posts, and essays in school. I’ve noticed I use writing apps that come without any “smart” features like spell check, auto correct, etc. But is it really a good thing to have?


game thought · note · · 205 words

Can you do it? Click to Ten is a game I found on my friend’s Steam profile - he only had 1 minute of playtime, yet he told me he beat it! How can that be? Is it really that easy to click to ten?

Thoughts on (it's very cool)

web art game review thought · note · · 417 words is a very strange website. It’s an interactive story that’s part 3D game, part visual novel, part website. Hypertext fiction at its finest.

Jailbreaking a Kindle Voyage and installing KOReader

kindle jailbreak reading tech · note · · 1227 words

I love my 2014 Kindle Voyage, actively been using it for almost 10 years now. But after finding out update support ended a while ago, why not finally jailbreak it and install more open and featureful e-reader software?

Installing the latest Ruby with rbenv on Debian

ruby linux tech · note · · 398 words

I decided to switch from running Ruby natively on Windows to WSL, because Ruby on Windows is pretty bad. Installing the rbenv tool to manage multiple versions of Ruby is simple, but in order to add (by compiling) a Ruby version, there are a few dependencies to install.